Hello! My name is Jackie (Jayquellyn), and I want to be your new, supportive, non-judgmental best friend. We certainly don’t know one another well (perhaps not at all), so let me take a moment to introduce myself.

I am the wife of a career firefighter, stay at home parent/primary caregiver to three, beautiful children, and a full-time household manager. I live a busy life, which I, at times, struggle to navigate without becoming overwhelmed or burnt out. My daily life requires creative solutions and lots of what I will refer to as “flexing”, especially when it comes to providing myself with consistent, restorative self care (something I have vast experience with and also struggle to maintain). Life has a way of reminding me “You can’t pour from an empty cup afterall, JQ”.

I believe '“finding the balance” in life is a continuous journey. One with no final destination, other than to maybe look back along the path traveled and proudly say to yourself, “I did that!”. The balance might reside in tackling a small, home renovation project or updating your landscaping. It might include reading a self-help book on how to better cope with life’s hardships or even re-parent yourself (something I definitely have experience with).

My personal sense of balance flows from my creativity. Give me any media, and I’ll show you a creative project I’m just waiting to dive into. I have so many in the queue as it is.

This website/blog, “What Would Jayquelyn Do?” serves as a creative outlet by which I can share my little piece of the world with you as I attempt to find my own sense of balance. I’m so very thankful to have you in this creative space.

Leah Evans Photography

“Balance is not something you find, it’s something you create.” (Jana Kingsford)

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